Can I Apply For Counsel Fees In A New York Divorce?

If you are the lesser monied spouse, you can apply for counsel fees in New York in your
New York divorce case. The Court wants the parties to play on an even playing field. It is
not an easy thing to do because there are certain qualifications the court will look at when
you’re filing your motion. Make sure you return includes the following things when seeking
counsel fees. Attached to the document should be your statement of net worth, your
retainer agreement, paystubs and two years of income tax returns. Your divorce attorney
in New York should also attach her statement of net worth and in her affirmation there are
certain requirements which must be met. First of all, the attorney must list their
qualifications. In this respect, the attorney should list what Bar Association they belong to
and whether they have published articles in the field of law. They should list their hourly rate
and what they have charged in the case thus far and what they expect to charge into the
future. For instance, the attorney should list the kind of work they have to do in your case.
Without following the above guidelines, the court may dismiss your application but allow you
to re-file at a later date. I hope this is helpful. Thank you.

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