How the new New York Spousal Support Statute Applies to Your Case

Lisa Beth Older, Esq. an attorney in New York, cites a case on point as to how  the new New York spousal support statute applies to your case: KHAIRA v. KHAIRA Camille KHAIRA, Plaintiff–Respondent, v. Jasvinder Singh KHAIRA, Defendant–Appellant. — February 07, 2012 DAVID B. SAXE, J.P., JOHN W. SWEENY, JR., LELAND G. DeGRASSE, SALLIE […]

Attorney Fees in a Divorce Case

New York Divorce Lawyer Lisa Beth Older states that in the below New York Divorce case decided on November 28, 2012 the Supreme Court Appellate Division upheld an appeal from an award of attorney fees to the Wife in the amount of $168,000.00.   In part, the Court upheld the award because the Father appealed from […]


Lisa Beth Older, Esq. an attorney in New York reports that the Appellate Division First Department affirmed a lower Court Decision that sentenced the Father for willful nonpayment of child support that sentenced him to incarceration for a p[period of four months,  with the condition that if he paid $5000.00 his sentence would be purged. […]

How can I afford a divorce when my husband or wife is wealthier than me?

DOMESTIC RELATIONS LAW 237 ALLOWS FOR A REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION THAT THE LESS MONIED SPOUSE SHOULD ASK THE COURT FOR COUNSEL FEES AND COUNSEL FEES SHOULD BE GRANTED UNLESS JUT CASE IS FOUND AGAINST IT. Lisa Beth Older, Esq. a high profile New York divorce lawyer, offers information to nonmonied or lesser-monied spouses undergoing a divorce […]

Case not supporting the actions of an Attorney for the Child

A case where the attorney for the child was wrong in including in her summation things that were not in the record. To the extent that the Family Court relied on the detailed accounts provided by the attorney for the child concerning her conversations with the child, it is inappropriate for an attorney for the […]

Do Not Get Married twice!

Do not get married twice! In a New York Divorce case, under New York law if you get married in a religious or romantic marriage AFTER you have already been married then the second marriage is void. As such you only need one divorce that being the divorce from the first marriage. New York Divorce […]

Jurisdiction and Power of a Court to give you a Divorce

Divorce is not the same in every state and is certainly not the same in foreign countries. So what happens if you are divorcing a spouse who lives in another state or country?  The law is very tricky here.  Also what happens if you have some property in one state and some property in another […]

Settle if Possible!

I read an interesting article about how divorces are handled in Israel. It was initially written by John R Ellison and was published in the Harvard Business review on January to February 1990. The article had to do with our adversarial system in NY Divorce and in other states in America.  In the adversary system […]

Update on Child Support Information in NY State — 2021

A child must be supported by their parents until the child turns 21. If the child lives with one parent over the other, the parent who resides with the child is considered the custodial parent. Child support is a right that belongs to the custodial parent and it does not matter if the custodial parent […]