New Laws Affecting New York Divorce, New York Child Custody and New York Child Support Orders


If you are going through a divorce in New York State or a divorce in New York City, you may want to consider the latest laws affecting child custody adn child support. If you are a military parent and plan on returning home soon you may want to know that upon returning from military duty you may seek to modify your child custody Order or child custody Agreement.

New York Legislature passed a law that says effective November 15, 2009 the parent who is returning from military activation or deployment will automatically be allowed to petition the court for custody as deployment and return from duty rises to the level of a ‘substantial change of circumstances’ for the purpose of filing for a modification of child custody or child visitation order which was made while the member of the military was away on active duty or deployed.

In 2008 a law was enacted that quires all custody and visitation orders to be deemed merely “temporary” and in effect only while the parent is on active duty and may always be modified upon the payees’ return home from military deployment.


New York Law now allows parents to keep dependent children on their health issuance policies until the children attain the age of 29. That does not mean that all parents are obliged to provide health insurance until their children attain the age of twenty nine (29); it is merely an option to consider in negotiating terms for your separation agreement or New York divorce.

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